Scaling Made Simple is a program for service providers and coaches that teaches you how to scale your business and pay yourself a six figure paycheck while working 30 hours or less in your business each week.

You will create and implement a straightforward business model with highly profitable offers, a dream team you can delegate to, and systems that allow you to scale to $20-50K months with more ease.


LESS STRESS & MORE PEACE comes from having a simple, aligned scaling plan and consistent income


Making more money doesn't come from doing more work. It’s about taking what you're already good at and getting smarter about the way you do it.

You aren't going to scale your business & income by continuing to work 40+ hours in your business every week.

Scaling doesn't mean the quality of your service or client relationships will get worse.

You don't need to create a digital course, membership, or other "passive" income stream to scale.

You don't need an audience of thousands on social media to reach consistent $20-50K months.

You don't have to spend thousands on a fancy marketing strategy to take your business to the next level.

You will learn how to scale your business with ease by implementing:
➡ an offer suite that's priced right AND that you can delegate
a clear scaling plan with tangible sales, marketing, and operations targets
➡ a strategic hiring plan to get you out of the day to day 
 simple & sustainable systems that save you hours every week

Which is exactly what I did.

Making more money doesn't need to be hard

I fell into the trap of under-charging and over-delivering when I started my business in 2018, and by the end of 2020, had landed in burnout with the wrong offers, too-low pricing, bad hires, and nonexistent systems.

But in 2021, I decided that I'd had enough. I put everything on pause, revamped my entire business model - and grew from $10K months to $25K months in a six-month timeframe.

Now, I work less in my 7 figure agency than I did at $5K months. I have a team of 9. I make enough money to have allowed my husband to leave his corporate job over a year and a half ago. I've built my net worth to over $1M and we're investing to continue to build wealth.

All this happened with less than 2000 social media followers and less than 1000 email subscribers. 

It happened because I built a simple business that makes consistent sales, maintains a 30-50% profit margin, and that only requires 15 hours of my time each week.


If you're working more than 30 hours in your business each week and you're not growing  to $20K-50K+ in monthly sales or not earning 30-50% profits, then your time, money, and mindset are misaligned.

Scaling Made Simple is for you if:

➡ You've had success and are ready to scale

You have worked with at least 5 clients - you know what you're selling and who you're selling to, and now you're ready to scale it up.

 ➡ You want to work 30 hours or less in your business each week

You don't believe that hustling harder is the way to live your life. You want to make amazing money in your business, and you want to have the time and energy to enjoy your family, take vacations, have hobbies, and take care of your health. You know that time to rest, learn, read, and recharge are CEO activities that help you grow your business.  

 ➡ You want to pay yourself a six figure CEO paycheck

You're ready for the money you make to reflect the work you've put into your business. You want to make enough money to have a serious impact on your family. You want to make enough money to save, invest, and upgrade your life. You want financial freedom.

 ➡ You want more peace, more freedom, and less stress

You started your business for the promise of time and financial freedom, but you haven't found that yet. You want to scale your business, but you won't do it if it costs you your peace and well-being.

Here's what you'll learn & do

The Scaling Made Simple Framework



Increase Profits to 30-50%

Your first step is to increase your bottom line quickly so you can scale what's profitable.

Every entrepreneur has something that's draining your profit margins, whether it's your offers, pricing, spending, mindset, or time management. And as your business continues to grow, different issues can pop up!

In this phase, we'll show you how to figure out where your money and time leaks are and how to let go of what's not serving you to save 10+ hours per week and thousands in profits quickly so you can scale with more ease and power.

⨠ Audit your business and where you’re spending time to identify what you can clear off your calendar 
⨠ Understand why your business isn’t profitable or why you’re stuck at your current revenue level and how to get unstuck
⨠ Revamp your offers and pricing to hit $20K-$50K months with ease

phase 2

$100K Pay Scaling Plan

Use our framework to map out your custom $20K-$50K month profitable scaling plan that doesn't involve you wearing all the hats anymore!

Scaling is a numbers game, and as a numbers and money pro, I'll help you put it all together in a way that works for you - capacity, sales pipeline, marketing goals, and spending - to give you a crystal clear path to scaling that you can start implementing now.

⨠ Create a custom scaling plan to outline sales goals, expense budget, and team capacity
⨠ Implement a simple marketing and sales plan to attract and convert ideal clients
Use our Hiring Tools to bring on the part-time or full-time support team members you need to take over the day to day

phase 3

Sustain Your Success

As your scaling plan starts working, sales start growing, and your team gets hired, you'll set up the systems and learn the skills you need to sustain your business, profits, and paycheck over the long term.

Implement the systems and time management tools you need to work part-time hours while delivering a high-quality service and focusing your energy on sales, strategy, team, and self care
 Learn how to evaluate your business performance with data to roll with the punches and adjust your strategy as things change in the economy, your industry, and your life
 Improve your leadership and team management skills so you and your team are effective and efficient
Rewire your mindset and develop millionaire habits

A consistent CEO paycheck without working more hours is available for you too.

Scaling Made Simple Includes:

Business + Time Audit

Find out where your time, money, and mindset are misaligned so you can clear 10-20 hours off your calendar each week and let go of things that aren't serving you in order to make space for what's to come. 

Offer Suite + Pricing Strategy

Develop and price a highly profitable offer suite - the cornerstone to successful scaling! Whether you go high ticket or have a mix of offers, we'll walk you through how to create a scalable offer suite with delivery models you can delegate that are priced for 30-50% profit margins. 

In-Depth Scaling Formulas

Business is a numbers game, and I'm your numbers gal! I'll show you how to map out a custom scaling plan that doesn't involve you wearing all the hats anymore! Put all the puzzle pieces together - capacity, sales pipeline, marketing goals, spending budget, and team - to give you a crystal clear path to scaling that you can start implementing now.

Simple Marketing + Visibility Strategies

You don't need 100+ clients to scale to multi-six figures (or even to $1M!) once you implement scalable offers and pricing. You don't need fancy marketing strategies or a huge ad budget! I'll teach you the simple and sustainable marketing and sales strategies that I've personally used to close over $125K in new contracts in just one month!

All Things Team

Learn exactly what roles to hire to help you deliver a high quality service to your clients and how to identify people who will fit those roles well. We'll walk you through whether you need part-time, full-time, contractors, or employees (and since I'm also a CPA I'll show you how to stay compliant with payroll tax rules!)

Systems ABCs

Streamline your systems to support scaling. We'll cover your Administrative systems, Business Development (marketing and sales) systems, and Client Care systems. You'll get templates for documenting your systems, learn when to use software and when to use a simple spreadsheet, and learn how to have your team do the documentation for you!

Evaluate Your Business with Data

As an entrepreneur, numbers are data are your friend. I'll teach you what and how to track with simple tools, so you can keep a finger on the pulse of your business every week. Monitoring your key data (your key performance indicators, or KPIs) will help you stay in the CEO seat and make informed CEO decisions quickly.

Millionaire CEO Mindset

Learn how to become aware of your mindset and begin to rewire your brain so you can let go of the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that don't serve you and bring in more of what does help you make more money with more ease.

Weekly group calls

I host live group calls for teaching, strategy, and hot seat coaching on Mondays at 1pm ET / 10am PT. These calls will get you unstuck, clear on your plan, coached on your mindset, and motivated to take action.

Quarterly Planning Retreat

Every quarter we'll have a half day retreat where we plan out the upcoming quarter! I'll walk you through the planning process I personally use to identify my primary goals and action steps for the upcoming quarter and make serious progress every 90 days.

Searchable Coaching Vault

Search through months of coaching calls to hear other CEOs get coached on a variety of areas!

Private Slack Community

Collab + community with other CEOs! Get support M-F from Sarah & team on the go. Use the space when you have questions or just need support between calls.

VIP Bonus

Reach our milestone target of doubling your monthly revenue and you get our VIP Bonus - 3 months of complimentary access to my new program, Money Momentum, to help you manage the money you're making to save $100K!


How does this sound?

Your life after taking this course...

  • Croissant cheesecake gingerbread liquorice sweet. Halvah dragée sesame snaps icing caramels powder sesame snaps bear claw.
  • Lemon drops. Marzipan cupcake pie cupcake apple pie sweet roll gummies. Tiramisu jelly-o marzipan fruitcake chocolate bar.
  • Jelly-o chocolate toffee jujubes tiramisu icing apple pie chocolate cotton candy. Muffin marshmallow macaroon cookie toffee.
  • Tootsie roll lemon drops. Apple pie jelly-o fruitcake tootsie roll croissant lollipop pastry. Bonbon marzipan marzipan.
  • Cake liquorice oat cake donut toffee liquorice. Bonbon wafer sweet pastry cookie cotton candy icing marshmallow.

Jane achieved this amazing result:

"Jujubes croissant powder bonbon bear claw jujubes caramels sweet. Bonbon danish soufflé cupcake bonbon. Lollipop sweet cake cheesecake macaroon gummies wafer."

Laura achieved other amazing result:

"Danish powder croissant donut marzipan. Donut macaroon cake brownie jelly topping. Jelly cheesecake pastry shortbread halvah jelly-o jelly beans macaroon apple pie."

Meet your Millionaire Mentor

Hi, I'm Sarah

Apple pie jelly-o caramels soufflé pudding pastry chocolate bar macaroon. Croissant bear claw cake soufflé cotton candy. Candy canes dessert candy canes pudding shortbread croissant.

Sweet roll cookie halvah chupa chups biscuit chupa chups tootsie roll. Tootsie roll biscuit fruitcake donut cotton candy tiramisu sweet roll cake soufflé. Tiramisu jelly beans cookie danish tart gummi bears.

Sweet tiramisu dragée fruitcake apple pie pie. Bonbon cookie bear claw sesame snaps muffin danish. Dragée cupcake macaroon jelly beans sweet roll soufflé. Cupcake gingerbread pie pudding danish tiramisu.

Topping soufflé caramels muffin candy sweet bear claw gummies. 

But it wasn't always this way...

Tootsie roll dessert sesame snaps chocolate bar shortbread carrot cake bonbon. Chocolate bar sesame snaps powder sweet danish gingerbread halvah.

Chocolate cake bonbon danish caramels marzipan. Chocolate chupa chups biscuit halvah apple pie. Candy caramels marshmallow tiramisu shortbread. Shortbread donut danish chocolate lemon drops chocolate bar.

Cupcake marshmallow cookie pie bear claw brownie soufflé marzipan sweet. Sweet roll cake tiramisu donut toffee donut tart jujubes chupa chups.

Our money-back guarantee

Try our program for 30 days, risk-free

Jujubes croissant powder bonbon bear claw jujubes caramels sweet. Bonbon danish soufflé cupcake bonbon. Lollipop sweet cake cheesecake macaroon gummies wafer. Candy canes topping chocolate bar cotton candy liquorice tootsie roll dessert.

This is for you if:

  • Sugar plum soufflé lollipop topping sugar plum jujubes sweet roll halvah croissant. 
  • Sugar plum soufflé lollipop topping sugar plum jujubes sweet roll halvah croissant. 
  • Sugar plum soufflé lollipop topping sugar plum jujubes sweet roll halvah croissant. 

This is not for you if:

  • Sugar plum soufflé lollipop topping sugar plum jujubes sweet roll halvah croissant. 
  • Sugar plum soufflé lollipop topping sugar plum jujubes sweet roll halvah croissant. 
  • Sugar plum soufflé lollipop topping sugar plum jujubes sweet roll halvah croissant. 

Mary achieved this amazing result:

"Jujubes croissant powder bonbon bear claw jujubes caramels sweet. Bonbon danish soufflé cupcake bonbon. Lollipop sweet cake cheesecake macaroon gummies wafer."

Paula achieved other amazing result:

"Danish powder croissant donut marzipan. Donut macaroon cake brownie jelly topping. Jelly cheesecake pastry shortbread halvah jelly-o jelly beans macaroon apple pie."